
Dear colleague nurses,

Thank you for your interest in the Index survey as part of the ESNO Nurses Survey Pool activities. This is the first activity initiated by the ESNO Education and Scientific committee. In the future more surveys will be initiated, but we kick off with this ‘Index’ survey. The aim of the Index Survey is to learn more about nurse specialists in Europe. We especially want to know more about four domains:

  1. The level of your interest to continue your professional development;
  2. How you experience your work-life balance;
  3. How you experience the level of autonomy in your specialty; and
  4. How you the experience level of recognition from regulatory bodies.

Our plan is to invite people to fill out this survey twice a year. In this way, we can monitor how these four aspects of nursing life evolve trough the demography of specialist nurses in Europe. Depending on which domains of this survey you deem especially important, we will adapt future surveys to focus more on the domain(s) of highest interest.

What will we do with this information? First of all, we are interested in your personal situation and the situation of nurses in your country, as most survey data are abstract and generic. Furter, we will use the outcomes of this survey for submitting reports to relevant institutes and encourage them to take it in consideration when making policy. We also wish to use this survey as a monitoring instrument where and how development takes place. This way it acts as a ‘barometer’ to help find ways to improve the professional standards, private and professional.

Thank you very much for your participation in advance! Your experiences and opinions are of importance for the nurses in all specialties at all levels and the ESNO will use this to support wellbeing and recognition of achievements.

Additional issues:

  • In order to achieve a comprehensive indication, feel free to send this survey to all your colleagues.
  • For handling this survey, we have invited Ysanne de Graaf of Panaxea to support this program.
  • In case you are interested in joining ESNO as Individual Associate, see website
  • More about the ESNO Survey Pool at the website

Thanks again for taking this survey on behalf of ESNO, and if you have any comments or suggestions, you can reach Ysanne de Graaf :email

For any general issues, please contact ESNO secretariat:

Ellipse 22
Nico Decock, chair ESNO Education and Scientific Committee