ESNO Nurses Survey Pool

Voicing the European Specialist Nursing expertise, science, education and experience.

This Nurse Pool program is an initiative of the ESNO Education and Scientific Committee, to create a portal for nurses in all specialities, motivated to engage in surveys, data collection and networking.

sustainable healthcare

Knowledge, Perception and Behaviours relating to Climate Change and Sustainable Healthcare practices among Nurses and Midwives

Take the survey

Background of the Nurses Pool

ESNO Nurses Pool Background

While nurses are a top professional interest, so little is still known about us and especially related to our field of expertise, experience and working conditions.

Over time, we also learned that nurses experience fatigue in engaging in random surveys without being included in the outcome. With this initiative, we wish to connect directly to nurses and create a community of nurses motivated to contribute information about their work and achievements. 

The aim of this community

is to let the people who know most about the nursing profession have a voice: you!


The data generated by the community will be of high importance. It can be used to write publications and help make policy decisions on nursing affairs. Also, it helps ESNO to identify topics and issues that are especially important to the specialist nurse community.  

You can sign up as a member of the pool for free. By entering the Nurses Survey Pool, you can choose what kind of survey you wish to engage with and see what is done with your answers. In addition, you also propose surveys or consult other nurses all over Europe.  

You are also welcome to fill out surveys without signing up as a member. Just browse the outstanding survey(s) below.  

The ESNO Nurses Pool Program is an initiative of the ESNO Education and Scientific Committee.

Benefits of joining the wider specialist nurses community

For a good representation, our aim is to have no limitation of nurses connected to the ESNO nurses pool. Our aim is to start this year with 1,000 nurses from all European regions, ages, gender, field of and education and responsibility levels.

Connect with specialist nurses in field of interest
Strengthening the position of the committee by joining
Experience a sense of belonging and network with peers
Contribute to data in a flexible way and provide up-to-date information
Initiate surveys yourself and connect with peers for co-authorship
Stay informed on early outcomes of surveys and studies
Engage with fellow nurses and explore new ideas
Receive a special newsletter four time a year

How to join the ESNO Nurse Pool

ESNO_Nurses_Pool_Background 01

The first nurses who registrate are connected with basic background information.

During the development process, a system will be created to enable nurse to select how often they want to engage with surveys and how to engage in the overall program.

View ongoing surveys

We frequently receive request From European institutes and From Partner Organisations. Their surveys are included in this overview as well, as they are relevant to nurses.



Knowledge, Perception and Behaviours relating to Climate Change and Sustainable Healthcare practices among Nurses and Midwives

Supporting organisations

We are extremely grateful for the support of our sponsors, who are fully committed to helping our in shaping the Nurses Pool. With the help of our sponsors, ESNO can continue to fulfil its mission of supporting high quality health care programs.

Join The ESNO Nurse Pool Community

With Joining the Nurses Pool, you have the unique opportunity to engage with Specialist Nurses in Europe – and globe-  to engage in surveys, data collection and community building on expertise, experience and science, no fee required.